Choosing Web Design Services

Your website is more important than ever in today’s age. Even if you have a current website, it may be time for a website redesign to attract even more people to your business. Choosing the right Altanta web design services is going to be important to stay ahead of the competition.

Research Your Web Design Company

When choosing a web design Atlanta-based business, owners need to know that the company they choose is going to hold the future of the company in its hands. It’s necessary to work with a company that is well established, trustworthy, and has both experience and a great reputation. You need to make sure there is demonstrated expertise in web development and design, along with digital marketing and SEO. Look at the website of each design company you are considering and do some research to see what services they have, the level of expertise, and how long they have been in business.

Look for case studies or customer testimonials. Also, look at reviews from third-party sites, such as the Better Business Bureau, social media, and Google. You may want to choose website design companies that have experience in just your niche and industry, but there is also some value in choosing a company that has experience in different industries. This way, you are not likely to end up with just a cookie-cutter website that looks similar to your competition.

Look at Websites the Agency Has Built

Most design firms will include a portfolio section on the website so you are able to find examples of their work. Look at the samples and really study them. Are the websites easy to use and professional-looking? Does the website design seem like it’s built from a template or scratch? Do the other websites they have worked with seem comparable to you in terms of scope and size? Do the websites have the function that you need for your website?

Have a List of Must-Haves for Your Website

With so many Atlanta web design options, you need to be able to narrow down the field. It helps to have a list of non-negotiable items you need for your website. This can help make the vetting process easier and prevent you from forgetting really important things during the process. This can also help you narrow down the prospects to ones that can check every box you have. For example, basic requirements can be responsive design, WordPress experience, or specific functionality such as online chat. Another list for things that aren’t deal-breakers, such as secure hosting, experience with print design, and logo design, can also be helpful when you are trying to choose between two different companies.

Work on Your Budget and Timeline

Knowing exactly how much you are willing to spend and when you need your new website completed is also an important step in finding the right company. When it comes to budget, having a cost range instead of just a single number can be helpful. When discussing estimates, make sure it’s included how much you will be charged for services and what fees are not included. If you have a hard deadline for a new website, such as a product launch or major event, then communicate this to the companies you are considering. Ask for an honest assessment of if they can meet that deadline and what will happen if you are running behind schedule.

Set Up a Call to Discuss the Project

You can only learn so much from your online research and will need to eventually set up a meeting with a few prospects you have narrowed down. Pay close attention to how they handle this call. Is the company friendly and accessible? Do they ask their questions about your company and the project or do they just start with a hard sales pitch without paying attention to you? You need to think long-term so making sure the chemistry and communication style is there is important. While the person you are speaking with at first may not be the one who handles your project, this person is still representative of the company, so it should be a good fit.